9 Quick Guides to Nonprofit Website Redesigns 

A nonprofit website is often the first – and sometimes only – impression potential donors have of a charity. That’s why it’s important for nonprofits to make sure their website design is up-to-date and effective. Unfortunately, many nonprofits don’t realize the importance of a website redesign until it’s too late.

In this quick guide, we will discuss some of the most important factors to consider when planning a nonprofit website redesign. We will also provide some tips on how to execute a successful redesign project.

1. Define Your Goals

The first step in any redesign project is to define your goals. What do you hope to achieve with your new website? Are you looking to increase online donations, attract more volunteers, or raise awareness for your cause?

Defining your goals early on will help you determine the scope of your redesign project and ensure that your final product meets your expectations.

2. Assess Your Current Website

Once you have defined your goals, it’s time to take a close look at your current website. Begin by assessing its strengths and weaknesses. Is there anything about your current site that is preventing you from achieving your goals?

For example, if you’re looking to increase online donations, is your donation page easy to find and use? If you want to attract more volunteers, is your volunteer application process clear and simple? Answering these questions will help you identify areas that need improvement. 

3. Conduct User Research

User research is an essential part of any website redesign project. After all, your website should be designed with your users in mind. There are a variety of different methods you can use to conduct user research, including surveys, interviews, and usability testing. You can also take advantage of web analytics tools to learn more about how users interact with your current one. 

Conducting user research will give you valuable insights into what users want and need. This information will be essential in helping you create a website that meets their needs.

4. Create a Site Map

Once you have conducted your user research, it’s time to start planning your new website’s structure. The best way to do this is to create a site map. A site map is a visual representation of your website’s hierarchy. 

It shows the relationships between different pages on your website and helps you plan the navigation. Creating a site map is a crucial step in the redesign process, as it will help ensure that it will be easy to use and navigate.

5. Design for Your User

When designing your new website, always keep your user in mind. Every design decision you make should be based on what you learned from your user research.

For example, if you conducted usability testing and found that users had difficulty finding your donation page, make sure that your new website’s navigation is designed to lead them directly to it.

Remember, your goal is to create a site that is easy and enjoyable for your users to use. By keeping their needs in mind throughout the design process, you can ensure that your new page meets their expectations.

6. Pay Attention to Details

The details of your website design are just as important as the overall layout. Make sure to pay attention to small details, such as typography, colour scheme, and images. These details play a crucial role in the user experience and can make a big difference in how users perceive your brand.

When designing, be sure to keep the details in mind and take the time to get them right.

7. Test, Test, Test

Before launching, it’s important to put it through rigorous testing. This will help ensure that your website is free of errors and functions properly.

There are a variety of different types of tests you can conduct, including usability testing, performance testing, and security testing. Be sure to test it on all major browsers and mobile devices. Conducting thorough testing before launch will help ensure that your new website is ready for the real world.

8. UX and Design

A well-executed website redesign can breathe new life into a nonprofit organization, making it easier for users to find the information they need and donate money. However, it’s important to keep the user experience (UX) in mind during the redesign process to ensure that the site is easy to navigate and visually appealing. Poor UX can frustrate users and cause them to abandon a site altogether.

By keeping the user experience in mind during the redesign process, you can ensure that your site will be successful in meeting the needs of your organization.

When designing the visual elements, be sure to keep the following tips in mind:

1. Use high-quality images and graphics. Poor-quality images will make your site look unprofessional. Be sure to use high-resolution images that are relevant to your content.

2. Keep the design simple. A cluttered or overly complex design will only serve to confuse users. Stick to a clean and simple layout that is easy to navigate.

3. Use colour wisely. Too much colour can be overwhelming, so it’s important to use it sparingly. Choose a colour scheme that is pleasing to the eye and easy on the user’s eyes.

4. Use typography to create hierarchy. Typography is the art of arranging type, and it’s an important part of web design. Be sure to use different fonts and font sizes to create a hierarchy of information. This will make it easy for users to scan your pages and find the information they’re looking for.

5. Add multimedia. Adding images, video, and audio can help make your content more engaging. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much multimedia can be distracting.

9. Launch Your New Website

Launching a website as a nonprofit organization can be daunting, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a successful endeavor. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Plan your launch date carefully and make sure all preparations are complete by that time.
  • Make a strong case for why people should visit your site and what they will gain from doing so.
  • Promote it through social media and other channels to reach as many people as possible.
  • Keep it updated with fresh content on a regular basis.
  • Monitor the progress and make changes as needed to ensure its success.


Nonprofit website redesigns can be tricky. You want to make sure that you are making the most out of your website in order to reach your target audience and drive donations, but you also don’t want to spend too much money or time on something that may not work.

Redesigning can be a great way to breathe new life into your organization, but it can also be expensive and time-consuming. In this article, we’ve outlined some of the most important things you need to keep in mind when planning your nonprofit website redesign. 

Considering rebuilding a website for a nonprofit? Our team can assist you in getting everything going. We hope that this guide will help make the process easier for you and ensure that your website is both effective and efficient.

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